We are the factory specialized in trousers since 1970 in Nagasaki, Japan.
For about 50 years, to fulfill the highly demands on quality and techniques from famous Men’s suits manufacturers and major department stores in Japan, we have tailored trousers with pride, passion and dedication.
"We want to make our original trousers have never been before, and send you our enthusiasm and excitement through it"
With our ambition and ideal, we are pleased to launch our original trousers brand CALSA.
CALSA is named after the Japanese first trousers called “Karusa”, probably made in Nagasaki in the late 1500’s based on the trousers wore by “Nanban” people who visited Japan from Portugal at that time.
In the ancient capital of Kyoto in the Azuchi-Momoyama period (about 500 years ago), as Portuguese culture prevailed, “Karusa” was very popular especially among warlords like Japanese Generals such as Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Ieyasu Tokugawa or more.
"The Japanese first trousers made in Nagasaki became popular in the ancient capital, Kyoto.”
We are very proud of the fact as the specialist for trousers in Nagasaki and we desire to realize it once again in the present time.
The CALSA's policy on the craftsmanship is contrary to the fast fashion trend.
For the highest grade trousers, we spare a lot of time usually given up for the cost priority in the fast fashion.
To satisfy you with the elegant style and the comfortable fit, we have tailored trousers in our own factory by expert and skillful hands with entirely original sophisticated patterns, selected luxury fabrics, meticulous accessories, and traditional specifications.
We hope CALSA will be your precious one.
- 沿革History
1970.5 創業者山﨑勝利が大阪府守口市にてトラウザーズ(紳士スラックス)縫製業を創業。
スラックスの縫い上げだけの加工をおこなう。May. 1970 The founder Shori Yamasaki started tailoring trousers with his wife in Osaka, Japan. At the first time, they only sewed trousers, did not cut and press trousers.
1973.8 創業者山﨑勝利の出身地、長崎市茂木町に移転。名称を山﨑スラックスとする。一軒家の借家を作業場として事業をおこなう。
10名体制となる。Aug. 1973 They moved to Nagasaki, the hometown of the founder Shori Yamasaki. The company was named “YAMASAKI SLACKS”. Trousers were tailored at a rented house.
Number of workers: 101977.11 事業規模拡大に伴い、北浦工場を新設する。
30名体制となる。Nov. 1977 As the increase of orders, the new factory (current Factory 2) was constructed.
Number of workers: 301979.7 有限会社山﨑スラックスを設立。
Jul. 1979 “YAMASAKI SLACKS” was incorporated.
1987.12 黒橋工場(現本社工場)を新設。プレス部門も新設し、裁断から縫製、プレスまでのトラウザーズ(スラックス)の一貫生産体制を確立。
Dec. 1987 Head Quarters & Factory 1 was constructed. The cutting section and the press section were newly established. So, we have covered all trousers tailoring processes.
1992.11 株式会社に改組に伴い、株式会社ヤマサキに社名変更。この時期、最盛期の月産17,000本の生産をおこなう。
90名体制となる。Nov. 1992 The company name was changed to “YAMASAKI CO., LTD.”. With business expansion, monthly capacity became 17,000 pcs.
Number of workers: 901990年代
In 1990’s Many apparel makers shifted the production bases to the foreign countries such as China. Due to the sudden decrease of orders, our production capacity was forced to be shrunk drastically.
Number of workers: 70To get new custom orders of trousers for the major department stores and the leading apparel manufacturers, we promoted the further improvement of quality and techniques, and newly established the hemming section.
2004.7 新規事業として、インターネットでの洋服リフォーム事業を開始。ショップ名を「洋服のリフォーム【REFORMWORKS】」とする。
Jul.2004 The on-line reform shop was started as “REFORMWORKS”
2010.3 「洋服のリフォーム【STITCH&STITCH】」に改名し、リニューアルスタート。
Mar.2010 The on-line reform shop reopened after renovation as “STITCH & STITCH”.
2017.8 新規事業として、オリジナルトラウザーズの販売を開始する。ブランド名を「CALSA長崎トラウザーズ」とする。
Aug.2017 The original trousers brand “CALSA” was started.
- 会社概要Company Outline
会社名 株式会社ヤマサキ Company YAMASAKI CO., LTD 所在地 本社及び第1工場 〒851-0241
TEL:095-836-1500 (カルサ直通)
FAX:095-836-2380Address Head Quarter & Factory 1 306-1 Mogi Machi, Nagasaki-city, Nagasaki,
851-0241 JAPAN
FAX:+81-95-836-2380第2工場 〒851-0241
Tel 095-836-2676
Fax 095-836-2676Factory 2 2018-44 Kitaura Machi, Nagasaki-city, Nagasaki,
851-0242 Japan
Tel +81-95-836-2676
Fax +81-95-836-2676設立 1970年5月 Establish May, 1970 資本金 1,000万円 Capital JPN Yen 10 Million 代表者 代表取締役 山﨑 利広 President Mr.Toshihiro Yamasaki - 工場概要Factory Outline
従業員 85名 Number of Workers 85 事業内容 紳士スラックス縫製加工及び製造販売 Business OEM and sales of Men’s trousers 生産量 約9,000本/月間 Monthly Capacity 9,000 pcs